Wednesday, September 23, 2015

On the Dime - Weigh In Wednesday

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

Weigh in Wednesday, I LOST ANOTHER 1.5LBS! Yes, I am the happiest little human! Oh my lanta! People I'm smaller than my Wedding Weight! FOR REAL, I'm smaller now then the day I got married. (although the weight is not in the same places it was before)  I'm So happy I could cry haha! I want you all to know, I really am still working my BUTT off! I feel the lighter I get, the more I can see some particular weight loss goals! Where before I sort of was one blob, and just could think of the all over picture. 

Here are the updated Weigh in pictures: 

PS:sorry they are two different outfits, a girls gotta pick the best ones! 

Okay Lets talk HAIR! I officially have a new hairdresser!! (It's been almost two years going rouge, i'm so happy to have found her) My friend Carrigan suggested her and I can't be happier. SHOUT OUT to Melissa Dalley at DIME SALON. You know when a hairdresser says she'll leave some length and then they cut your hair to your ears. NOT THIS GIRL. She was amazing, I still feel like I have some length but its short too! I don't know how she pretty much read my mind!  Make an appointment you won't regret it! It was reasonably priced on top of it! She also had an opionion, and suggestions which I love! She had a plan for my hair too before I left. (she wants to grow out the bang and the top layer and possibly try parting it in the middle!) LOVE IT! Oh my lanta, I could talk about it and her all day! 

Here are some before and after pictures: (sorry they are a little bright)

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5 lbs (Last weigh in Wednesday, September 23)
Total Loss: -41.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -60 lbs (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -18.5 lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -8.5 inches
Waist: -7 inches
Hips: -10 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -25.5 inches
Goal: - 31 inches (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -7 inches to go*

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