Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A bag of Nerves


I'm so nervous about tomorrow's weigh in. I feel like I haven't lost that much. Everyone cross your fingers for me... my hope is I lost something! (anything) I want to stay on this LOSING train I've been on for 17 weeks.

I'm getting my hair all cut off!!! I'm so nervous. Basically i'm a nervous wreck today haha! I'll post some pictures tomorrow, as well as pics for Weigh in Wednesday! It will be a picture filled blog!

Thanks for all the support, I can't wait to share my new hair with you!

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -2 lbs (Last weigh in Wednesday, September 16)
Total Loss: -40 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -60 lbs (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -20 lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -8 inches
Waist: -6 inches
Hips: -10 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -24 inches
Goal: - 31 inches (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -7 inches to go*

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