Monday, June 8, 2015

Never thought Monday would be my HAPPY day!

Hello Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Readers (I know your all dying to know),

It's the day I've been waiting all week for! (Never thought I would say that about a Monday)

OMG, I was so freaking close! I was yelling at the scale hahaha. I know -3.6lbs is still a wonderful thing... to lose that in a week! I'm proud of what I've done so far. -9.6lbs total loss! I'm HAPPY! 

I made a bet with my friend Ryan (Who is a personal trainer at Slim Gyms) That I would loss 4lbs by Monday his guess was -3.4lbs He was closer, so I owe him a work out! We'll Chat BUDDY! 

I thought I would add measurements to my blog, as I'm finding those are changing more drastically than my weight! In the side picture I really notice my chin!!! 

Here they are:

May 19: 45.39.49
June 4: 43.39.48
June 8: 43.38.47

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers,

Weeks Total Loss: -3.6lbs 
Total Loss: -9.6 lbs 
Goal: -50lbs (March 5, 2016)
*Only 40.4lbs to GO*
(Next weigh in Monday June 15)

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