Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday Post

Hello Beautiful Cheeseburger Lovers,

Today is my cheat day meal! It sounds so stupid but I'm really worried about it. Not sure what to eat and I don't want to mess with what I did last week. I'm sure I could go for a Cheeseburger!

My work out this past week looked like this: 
Monday: Legs/Abs at Lunch - Zumba in the Evening
Tuesday: Zumba
Wednesday: Body Sculpt Class (which was Arms, Shoulders and Abs)
Thursday: Zumba
Friday: Arms/Abs
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

Next weeks work out:
Monday: Legs/Abs at Lunch - Zumba in the Evening
Tuesday: Zumba
Wednesday: Body Sculpt Class
Thursday: Zumba at Lunch - Zumba in the Evening
Friday: Arms/Abs
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

I'm vibrating for my weigh in on Monday! I can't wait to see what it says. I tried on a pair of pants this morning which didn't fit two weeks ago, and they almost fit! I'm so happy!!!

I'll post pictures with my weigh in on Monday! Talk to you then.

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

Total Loss: -6lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 1)
GOAL: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
(Next weigh in Monday June 8)

ps: If you want to join me for Monday ZUMBA from 6-7pm (6$) at the Findlay Community Centre or Thursday ZUMBA from 7:45-8:45pm (10$) at Hello Body (you have to email them on Wednesday to let them know your coming.)  I would love the support, we can sweat it out together! 

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