Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Night = Cheat Night

Hello Cheeseburger Lovers,

Friday = Cheat night! I think i'm finally going to have that cheeseburger I've been not having!! The craving is finally catching up to me. It's been a tricky week, (the most difficult week thus far) but I made it through and I am coming out the other side. My goal is to lose another 1.5lbs this week. i'm not sure if I've done it ... but I worked my buns off, so hopefully my toasty buns will pay off! (I have all these mini goals; I call them secret goals. The secret goal right now was to lose 15lbs by the end of June! Cross your fingers I've done it. 

It's funny, I pulled a little muscle in my lower abdominal but when I was sweaty and warm from spin class it felt a lot better! Now that I'm cooling down, it's tight again. (I think i'll still work out tomorrow but just a light "easy" work out - Better than nothing) 

I'll post updated comparison pictures and my weight loss on Monday. Short and Sweet today. Love to you all! 

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 22)
Total Loss: -13.5lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -36.5lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -3 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 

Total Inches Loss: -8 inches

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