Friday, August 7, 2015

Let's Get er' Done

Happy Friday Cheeseburger Friends,

I'm happy to say, I've missed the gym. The last three days have made me so happy. I guess i'm in the "routine" of working out now! 

My lovely neighbor Crystal reminded me that I should give an update on my incentives! I've lost a total of 27lbs & have recieved the 4 incentives!  

Incentive List: 
5lbs: New Sneakers
0lbs: Fun Work out top
15lbs:  LuLu Lemon Pants
20lbs: Hair done  (July 25, will post pictures) 
25lbs: Shoes (Going to buy this next week end - I'm going to get cute Birkenstock) 
30lbs: Dress (By August 17  - going on vacation) 
35lbs: All new Bras/Underwear (September 7 -Bachelorette Party) 
40lbs: Bathing Suits (By November 9 - Vacation) 
45lbs: Trip to Mexico (By December 24 - Christmas) 
50lbs: Tattoo (Booked for January 22 - A push to get there!) 

60lbs: New Wardrobe (By February 15 - Journey completed 3 weeks early!)  

I've also decided to change my weigh in day! I know you look forward to Mondays, but it's very silly to weigh in Mondays. (I don't work out Saturday/Sunday and I eat my cheat meals on Fridays) So I have realized (with help from my friend Kate) that I should switch up my weigh in day! 

I have also noticed, the healthier I eat; the more I have to eat. Today's Line up & Times: 

Matcha Slushy @8am
MacIntosh Apple @9am, 
1 cup of Baby Carrots @10am, 
Coconut & Mango Water @11am
Ginger Sesame Salad & Sparkling Water @1pm
Sea Salt and Vinegar Popcorn @2pm 
Granny Smith Apple @330pm 
Toss Salad with Guacamole & Chicken @530pm

(plus I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day) 

After speaking with my Thursday afternoon spin teacher, I have truly realized that it is a lifestyle change. (I know, I know) I used to hate when people said that. But food that I used to love, doesn't even taste the same anymore. I find things that I used to enjoy are now to heavy, greasy, or salty. I'm hoping I keep these philosophies on food for life! It's challenging when mainstream eating is not this way, it's very difficult for me to ask in a restaurant for no dairy, no gluten, no carbs! (yeah i'm that girl now) But i'm doing it and it's getting easier; at first I was almost embarrassed to say "no thank you" at a bbq or to ask the waitress which salad didn't have cheese. But i'm noticing that my friends at BBQ's are so sweet and put on a peice of chicken for me or make a salad thinking about me. Or my sweet step mother asking what I wanted for supper. (THANK YOU)

Sorry for the long food rants today.

Literally Dancing my Buns off, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1 lbs (Last weigh in Wednesday August 5)
Total Loss: -27 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50 lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -23 lbs to go*

Inches Loss:  
Bust: -6 inches
Waist: -5 inches
Hips: -6.5 inches 

Total Inches Loss: -17.5 inches
Goal: -27 inches (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -9.5 inches to go*

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