Wednesday, July 15, 2015

So Gosh Darn Delicious

Hello Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Friends,

My work outs this week looked like this:

Monday: Weights (Arms, Back, Chest) @Lunch  & Teaching Dance @Evening
Tuesday: Cardio (Stair climber, Elliptical, Treadmill)  @Lunch & Teaching Dance @Evening
Wednesday: Teaching Dance @Evening
Thursday: Spin @Lunch & Teaching Dance @Evening
Friday: Circuit Class @Lunch
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: OFF

*I teach dance for 2.25 hours each night, but I only count an 1 hour of it as me actually moving and working out! I have a big weight loss goal this week as I would really love to be half way to my goal! Eating extra clean this week, and with the added cardio in the evenings i'm hoping this will do it! 

Newest Food Obsession: Try it, it's so gosh darn delicious. 

Literally Dancing My Buns off 4 Cheeseburgers,

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -2.2 lbs (Last weigh in Monday July 13)
Total Loss: -21.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50 lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -28.5lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -4 inches
Waist: -3 inches
Hips: -6 inches 

Total Inches Loss: -13 inches
Goal: -27 inches (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -14 inches to go*

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