Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Weigh In Wednesday

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

It's Weigh In Wednesday! The day of the week I love and hate! I've lost 1.5lbs! Happy but sad. I really wanted that push for 2lb. But a loss is a loss! I'm happy with my slow and steady progress. I don't think there has been a week I haven't lost something. (I probably just jinxed myself haha)

Here is a Leopard Print Dress Update:

My Weigh in Wednesday Pictures; My first week picture & my week 20 photo: (same shirt, different pants - I can't wear the original pants anymore! [yippee] )

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5lbs (Last weigh in Wednesday, October 7)
Total Loss: -44 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -60 lbs (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -16 lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -9 inches
Waist: -8 inches
Hips: -11 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -28 inches
Goal: - 35 inches (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -7 inches to go*

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