Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Buddies,

Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry I took a little hiatus, I was busy getting ready for the big Thanksgiving Dinner at our house! It went so well. Only the second time I've ever cooked a turkey! I have to say it was a lot of work, but it was delicious. Turkey dinner was my Cheat Meal for the week, but it really wasn't even that bad!

For Turkey dinner I ate:
Sweet Potato
Dressing (lot's of Dressing)
1 Small piece of Pie

NOT TOO BAD, I don't think. Besides the Gravy, Dressing and Pie. Everything else was healthy. (everything in moderation right!) I'm dying to see how the scale reflects this.

We cooked a 24lbs Turkey!! There was so much Turkey we didn't know what to do with it all! 
I hope everyone had full turkey bellies too! 

Penelope helping me prep the dressing, by eating the bread! So sweet, look at that face! 

My weight loss goal this week is 1-1.5 lbs. I'm giving myself a little break because I had a wonderful turkey dinner with my family. We will see what tomorrow brings. I'll make sure I include a ton of pictures. Hopefully there's a loss, cross your fingers for me.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5lbs (Last weigh in Wednesday, October 7)
Total Loss: -44 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -60 lbs (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -16 lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -9 inches
Waist: -8 inches
Hips: -11 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -28 inches
Goal: - 35 inches (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -7 inches to go*

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