Monday, October 5, 2015

Wedding Fun!

Good Morning My bright eyed and bushy tailed Cheeseburger Friends,

Here are some pictures from the wedding week end!~

Okay on to the next goal: 5lbs by October 14th! (I have 10 days to get to my next goal) Let's do this!!! A super reasonable goal, although I am finding that it's getting harder and harder. I'm going to put on a real push this week! My goal is 2lbs this week. Let's make it happen!

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1lbs (Last weigh in Wednesday, September 30)
Total Loss: -42.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -60 lbs (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -17.5 lbs to go*

Inches Loss: *I haven't bought my new measuring tape, i'll do that before the next weigh in*
Bust: -8.5 inches
Waist: -7 inches
Hips: -10 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -25.5 inches
Goal: - 31 inches (By January 7, 2016)
*Only -7 inches to go*

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