Friday, January 29, 2016

Meals & Work Outs

Good Morning, 

I have lost a total of -2 lbs this week. Not a horrible turn out for my third week back to the grind. So in the last three weeks I've lost 8.5lbs. YES, YES, YES, back to life, back to reality! 

My work out schedule for this week looks like this: 

Monday: 5 min ABS & Zumba @Findlay Centre 
Tuesday: Cardio @Homburg Centre & Teaching Dance
Wednesday: 5 min ABS & Zumba @home
Thursday: 5 min ABS & Yoga @Shanti Dartmouth 
Friday:  5 min ABS & Yoga @Shanti Dartmouth
Saturday: 5 min ABS
Sunday:  5 min ABS 

So my 5 minute ABS I keep clocking in my work out schedule is before I shower in the evenings I literally put on a song in the bathroom and get down on the bath mat and do one song of ABS ... Lots and lots of ABS! As much as I can stand to do in the one song! It's part of my new 2016 Goals. This little You Tube Video was a great first guideline;

I've had a lot of requests for Meals and Recipes! So I'm going to try and post a new to you recipe once a week! 

Meals for Thursday: 
B: (Homemade) Guacamole with Cucumbers & Almond Milk Chai Latte (Homemade) 
L: Small Toss Salad with Chicken, Goats Cheese and Grilled Red pepper, Onion & Mushrooms
S: Green Apple & Pumpkin Spice Tea (Tim Horton's) 
S: Sweet Potato (a full one) & Chicken with Herb & Garlic Sauce 

Meals for Friday: 
B: (1) Sausage & Starbucks Soy Milk Chai Latte
S: Green Apple & Sparkling Water
L: Small Toss Salad with Chicken, Goats Cheese and Grilled Red Pepper, Onion & Mushroom 
S: (Homemade) Guacamole with Orange Peppers with a Chocolaty Chai Tea 
S: Cheat meal *Fast Food Friday*

I eat between 1500-1700 Calories a day. (Except for Cheat days - Don't count the Calories for that Meal) 

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Last weigh in: - 2 lbs (Friday January 29) 
Total Loss: -59 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -80 lbs (By April 26, 2016)
*Only -21 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-30-39 (now)*lost an inch in my waist & an inch in my hips*
37-28-39 (goal) 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Feeling Accomplished

Hello and Good Morning, 

I'm so happy to share this picture with you! On the left is me May 31, 2015 and on the right is me January 25, 2016! 8 months apart, 57 lbs lost (so far) 8 inches off my chest, 9 inches off my waist, 10 inches off my hips. I feel very accomplished seeing these pictures side by side. But it only makes me want to reach my new goals and my new health challenges! (Official Week Weight Loss Post tomorrow) 

I thought I would share my new health goals and challenges I would like to complete in the next couple of months! 

New GOALS for 2016:

1. Being able to go in a store and pick up a size 8 (and be confident it will fit!) 
I'm going to do this by working out more and monitoring my food, I believe I would need to lose 15-20 more lbs to achieve this goal. 

Hoping to do this by: April 26, 2016 

For a total weight loss of 77-80lbs in 11 months.

2. More Core Focused Exercise
I'm going to achieve this goal by doing a five minute ab routine every night before my shower.

3. Join a Yoga Class (with my Husband) 
Finding the time to commit to a class where the two of us can go. 

Finding a babysitter once a week for Penelope. 

4. Buy a Bathing Suit (Two Piece) 
Commit to the first three goals and then stop being a baby! (Acceptance is key for this one) 

5. Officially commit to this permanent lifestyle
I feel as though I have already done this, even though I have weak moments. I would like to just commit further and hope that this new body and pictures like the above remind me why I have changed. 

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Last weigh in: -2.5 lbs (Friday January 15) 
Total Loss: -57 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -13 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-30-39 (now)*lost an inch in my waist & an inch in my hips*
37-28-39 (goal) 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

New Scale RANT

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

Sorry this post is mostly just a rant about our new scale!

So, I don't know how I feel about this NEW SCALE we bought on the week end. It says I'm 5 whole pounds heavier than the last scale! So does that mean I started my Journey 5 pounds more than I thought, or that I haven't lost 6.5 pounds in the last two weeks? I know the number on the scale shouldn't matter that much,  but in this moment it does!! I'm going to go with I started the Health Journey 5 pounds heavier than I thought...?? 

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Last weigh in: -2.5 lbs (Friday January 15) 
Total Loss: -57 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -13 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-31-39 (now)*lost an inch in my waist & an inch in my hips*
37-28-39 (goal) 

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Secret

Hello Dancing friends,

I'm having a wonderful 2016 in the HEALTH Journey Department of my wonderful life. I have lost -2.5 lbs this week! We are back on track...

I've discovered a strong love for tea, in this Journey. I cannot give up caffeine, I have tried and failed. but I have switched to tea instead of coffee and lattes. I now find myself craving a good cup of tea! 
My Tea stash is getting larger and larger (PS. my new favorite is the Chocolatey Chai... (Oh My Lanta, Purchase it now!) 

I often get asked "why are you always so happy?" and my answer is "How could I not be?" I feel as though people are always looking for more, more money, better house, the next step in life. I feel as though I have mastered the enjoying and appreciating what I have. Not that I don't have goals or strive for things. But I honestly think I have everything I need! How could I not be happy with my loving Husband, Beautiful Daughter, Sweet House, Good Job. I came across this quote which i'm surely going to use from now on: 
Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Last weigh in: -2.5 lbs (Friday January 15) 
Total Loss: -57 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -13 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-31-39 (now)*lost an inch in my waist & an inch in my hips*
37-28-39 (goal) 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thinking out loud?

Hello Cheeseburger Dancers,

Those who know me, know I am a little bit OCD. (un-diagnosed, but very obvious) I have certain things I need a certain way, or things that I get anxiety over! (Such as being late for things, and bridges) I feel when I became a mother, I had to let some of my odd little "OCD tendencies" go, so I could become a better mother. But by doing that some of my other "OCD tendencies" have become much worse. I feel like food was/is one of those odd little tendencies, I have to eat things in a certain way, and order. I can't have any food touching on my plate unless they are "supposed" to touch. Anyways, I have found with these "OCD tendencies" making certain food a ritual makes "dieting" or this lifestyle easier. 

My regular food ritual: 
7AM Starbucks (tea or latte with soy)
10AM Fruit at my desk (usually with cinnamon)
12PM Salad (always different - but always a salad)
2PM Tea (Tim Horton's) 
3PM Fruit (Usually an Apple) 
5:30PM Supper (Something with lots of Protein and a little carbs) 
7PM Tea (My own) 

If one of your "resolutions" for the new year was to be healthier or diet, or change your habits. I feel you need to change the way you view eating. If people thought of eating as a ritual (sounds boring) and not something for "pleasure" (even though you may get pleasure from eating something)  it would be easier to follow or commit to a healthy lifestyle. (Not sure if this makes sense) "Think of food as a fuel for your body." (Life lessons from my Husband) 

I feel as though this post was me thinking out loud. Thanks for listening. 
I'll post some new pics tomorrow and my weigh in! :) 

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Last weigh in: -4 lbs (Friday January 15) 
Total Loss: -54.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -14.5 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-32-40 (now)
37-28-39 (goal) 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Leopard Time Line

Hello, Good Morning Cheeseburger Lovers,

Here is my Leopard Print Dress Time line: (Hopefully soon, I wont be able to wear the dress at all!)

After this picture was taken, I wrote this in my blog (August 10, 2015): "This used to be my favorite dress, it hasn't fit in over a year. The first picture is the first day it "fit" it was still very tight across the mid section and my hips just fit into it. And the second picture is me today, wearing the dress with tons of room in the mid-section, and when you see me from the side you can't see my body (it's a bag dress!) The other part you'll notice is my arms (how tight the sleeves are in the fist picture, and how loose they are in the second picture) The happiest little human right now!"

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Last weigh in: -4 lbs (Friday January 15) 
Total Loss: -54.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -14.5 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-32-40 (now)
37-28-39 (goal) 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Gosh Darn it - Breaking All the Rules

Hello Party People,

It's been a "breaking my own rules" kind of week. But I weighed myself this morning, out of shear habit! But I'm happy to announce; I've lost 4 lbs this week!!! OH MY LANTA! What a happy day. What a great motivation to step on the scale and to see this big loss! I could feel it, I feel so much happier and clearer, being back to eating healthy! So I've almost lost the weight I gained over the Christmas/Birthday Break! I'd really like to lose 2 lbs next week, so then I've taken the weight I gained off quicker than I put it on!

Work Out Schedule this week Looks like this: 
Friday: Circuit Class @gym
Saturday: Abs and Push ups @ home
Sunday:  Zumba/ Abs and Push ups @home
Monday: OFF
Tuesday: Teaching Dance
Wednesday: Abs & Zumba @Coastal
Thursday: OFF

I'm going to do a leopard dress comparison on MONDAY! Can't wait.

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Last weigh in: -4 lbs (Friday January 15) 
Total Loss: -54.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -14.5 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-32-40 (now)
37-28-39 (goal) 

Thursday, January 14, 2016



Hi Cheeseburger Readers,

I had to start the post, with my guilt confession and not my regular Hello! I don't think I can complete my RAW till 4PM Diet. I cheated today, I had Soup for lunch (nothing crazy, not super high calorie or unhealthy soup) But cooked Soup! I needed the heat today! I feel like I haven't really had many "falls" in this Journey but this is one of them for sure! I'm still eating PALEO, jut maybe not raw all day. I'm going to have to sort this one out in my head and get back to you! 


Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Total Loss: -50.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -19.5 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-32-40 (now)
37-28-39 (goal) 

Recipes and Mountains

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

As you know I'm on a Raw till 4PM diet at the moment, but I normally eat PALEO! I would say i'm 80% a Paleo eater. (I eat one cheat meal a week, and I eat rice!) But here are some easy Paleo recipes everyone could enjoy! 

I hope you try: (all PALEO)

Sweet Potato Bacon Cakes

My friend Carrigan is doing RAW TILL 4PM with me and I find her so funny, she has so much energy she doesn't know what to do it with it all! I think we found this great balance between "crazy" health nut and "reasonable" person; with this diet! It's nice you can still go out for supper and eat "normal" but during the day you eat crazy strict and all raw foods. 

I'm not sure how public my dad wants to be with his New Health Journey but I just want him to know how proud of him I am! "it feels like a mountain but I know you can climb it"

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Total Loss: -50.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -19.5 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-32-40 (now)
37-28-39 (goal) 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Never the Goal

Hi Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Readers,

Let's talk about SIZES! I feel like people don't like to say what size they are! Before this Health Journey I was a size 16/18. I am now a size 10/12. My hopes is to be a size 8! I don't even really care what my WEIGHT is, I just want to be able to go into a store and pick up a single digit size! That is the GOAL! 2016 is going to be my new start, my new year, my new me! 2015 has taught me what I want, and how to get it and now 2016 is going to help me get it! WHOS WITH ME???

What's holding you back? What's preventing you from doing and being who you want to be? If I can do it anyone can! HONESTLY. I feel like a new person and I feel like i'm only in the beginning of this Health Journey. I love the accomplished feeling, I love the challenge, I love the healthy glow and that I can participate and play with my beautiful daughter! (the whole reason I started this Journey!)  "If the plan doesn't work, change the plan. But never the goal."

PS: I can't wait next week i'll do a leopard print dress update! (I love this!) 

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Total Loss: -50.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -19.5 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-32-40 (now)
37-28-39 (goal) 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Cheekbones and Chins

Hey Dancing People,

Today is DAY ONE, of RAW TILL 4PM! 

Menu today: 
Breakfast: (8am) 2 Banana's with Cinnamon
Snack: (10am) Baby Carrots & Hummus
Lunch: (12pm) Kale, Arugula with Cucumber, Avocado, Raw Corn, Yellow Pepper and Jalapenos  
Snack: (2:30pm) Rasberries
Supper: (5pm) (my cooked meal) Chicken Breast with Chili Lime Sauce, Baked Sweet Potatoes with Montreal Steak spice and Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower. 



I also have decided to not weigh myself until February 1st! I know it's going to be sooo painful, but I think ONE, it's healthy to not weigh yourself all the time and TWO I really would like to see how this diet effects my weight in it's entirety and not worry if the scale rocks up or down. 

I'm so beyond excited for 2016, I can accomplish my goals and find new challenges to overcome. If you want to join me on any of my diets or fitness challenges let me know, EMAIL ME! 

This is my family 5 months apart! The top is May 2015 and the bottom is October 2015! I can't wait to put up my next 5 month family picture! LOVE LOVE LOVE the comparisons. 

My many selfies from November/December 2015. My face is where I see the most difference in my weight loss! Check bones and a chin!!!! :) 

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Total Loss: -50.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -19.5 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-32-40 (now)
37-28-39 (goal) 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Back to the GRIND - NEW YEAR NEW ME!

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

The holidays were somewhat kind to me. I gained a total of  5lbs over three weeks. But I ate everything I don't normally eat, ice cream, chips, french fries, burgers the whole nine yards. I let myself be on vacation. I don't regret any of it. 

But starting this Monday, i'm starting a slightly new diet for the rest of the January month. It's called RAW TIL 4. You eat raw foods all day and a cooked after 4pm! I love it. I feel like it blends a lot of what i'm doing anyways. I'm going to try and see how I feel, and how much weight I lose! 

I have decided to lose about another 20lbs and then I'll be at a great weight and BMI. I'm hoping to complete this by March 19th! That gives me 10 weeks! (Slightly aggressive) But I feel still attainable. 

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: Weeks Loss: +5 lbs (Last weigh in Wednesday January 6)
Total Loss: -50.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -70 lbs (By March 19, 2016)
*Only -19.5 lbs to go* (OH MY LANTA!) 

45-39-49 (start)
37-32-40 (now)
37-28-39 (goal)