Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My 10lbs Goodies & My Sweet Husband

Hello Fellow Cheeseburger Lovers,

I have forgotten to post pictures of my 10lbs incentive presents! So here they are! My sweet and lovely husband thought just a work out top was not a big enough incentive so he bought me my first pair of work out leggings too!

I must say I was a little self conscious prancing around in these in the gym, but they are so gorgeous I couldn't help myself! And I obviously love that the outfit matches my new Sneakers! My 15lbs incentive was new work out pants, so I think i'll count these as those as well!

Thank you Beth, for working out with me the last two days! My Buns and Arms have never wanted to hurt you more!(haha, just kidding - even though they do feel like they are going to fall off.)

I wanted to tell you guys, I went for my first run last night (3km) and I ran the entire time! I couldn't breath afterwards but I did it! I have a new recipe for you all to try! It's ridiculously tasty! It takes 10 minutes to make and it makes so much that you could eat it all week! 

Quinoa & Bean Salad
2 cups of quinoa
1 orange pepper
1/3 red onion
1 can of black beans
1 can of corn
Juice from 1 large lime
2 tbs of Olive Oil
Chili Powder to taste
Garlic Powder to taste

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -3.2 lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 29)
Total Loss: -16.7 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50 lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -33.3 lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -3 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -4 inches 

Total Inches Loss: -9 inches

Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Fun-day Doing the Happy Dance!

Hi Cheeseburger Connoisseurs,

OH MY LANTA! I couldn't wait to write this morning! I'm vibrating from my weigh in. I was nervous because I didn't work out quite as much as I normally do. (because of a small muscle pull) But i'm happy to say I've lost 3.2lbs!!!! 16.7 pounds in 4 weeks! (starting week 5 today!) I couldn't believe it, I weighed myself three times this morning. I kept thinking that can't be right! Doing a happy dance-I get new LULU's! I had a secret goal of 15lbs by the end of June! I've done it! It feels amazing. I'm re-motivated to eat clean and work out! LOVING this Journey! Kicking buns and taking names! 

 Incentive List: 
5lbs: New Sneakers (Mine are from 2008 - that should tell you how much exercise I was doing)
10lbs: Fun Work out top

15lbs:  LuLu Lemon Pants
20lbs: Hair done, somewhere expensive (Color and everything - maybe bowtique? I'll take suggestions) 
25lbs: Food Processor
30lbs: Jeans (don't currently own a pair)
35lbs: All new Bras/Underwear
40lbs: Tattoo
45lbs: Bathing Suit
50lbs: Trip to Mexico
60lbs: New Wardrobe

Here is week one compared to week four: 

Week ONE and Week FOUR

First Picture from June 8 - Second Picture from June 29

Last night for supper I made the most delicious Turkey Burgers! Garlic, Olive Oil, Chili Powder, 1 Egg and Sirachi Hot Sauce in the turkey burger, topped with Japalenos, Spinach, Guacamole and tomatoes! (no bun) WOW they were good. Penelope (my daughter) Loved them too; although she had cheese, ketchup and a bun! 

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -3.2 lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 29)
Total Loss: -16.7 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50 lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -33.3 lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -3 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -4 inches 

Total Inches Loss: -9 inches

Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Night = Cheat Night

Hello Cheeseburger Lovers,

Friday = Cheat night! I think i'm finally going to have that cheeseburger I've been not having!! The craving is finally catching up to me. It's been a tricky week, (the most difficult week thus far) but I made it through and I am coming out the other side. My goal is to lose another 1.5lbs this week. i'm not sure if I've done it ... but I worked my buns off, so hopefully my toasty buns will pay off! (I have all these mini goals; I call them secret goals. The secret goal right now was to lose 15lbs by the end of June! Cross your fingers I've done it. 

It's funny, I pulled a little muscle in my lower abdominal but when I was sweaty and warm from spin class it felt a lot better! Now that I'm cooling down, it's tight again. (I think i'll still work out tomorrow but just a light "easy" work out - Better than nothing) 

I'll post updated comparison pictures and my weight loss on Monday. Short and Sweet today. Love to you all! 

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 22)
Total Loss: -13.5lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -36.5lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -3 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 

Total Inches Loss: -8 inches

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Work outs & Meals

Hello Cheeseburger Lovers,

I'm sad to say I pulled a small muscle in my lower abdominal so I have to be very careful for the next few days. In saying that my Kettle Bell Work out with Carrigan yesterday was amazing. (Jared, I kicked your butt.) Didn't know I'd like Kettle Bell I did the whole work out in 45 mins. 11 exercises 10 reps and 4 sets of each!! I even used the 15lbs kettle bell. PUMPED - Getting Jacked! 

My Work outs this week looked like this:
Monday: Hike (An hour and a half)  
Tuesday: OFF
Wednesday: Kettle Bell/Dance Class
Thursday: Spin
Friday: More Core Circut
Saturday: Run (4km)
Sunday: OFF 

I'm dying no zumba this week! My lovely Monday night classes are over! If you know of an amazing drop in zumba classes in Dartmouth, I would love to add it to my rotation. 

My Meals this week looked like this: 
Breakfast: tea, apple 
Snack: Plum 
Lunch: Chicken wrap from Subway (no cheese)
Supper: Salmon, Cauliflower, Coleslaw 

Breakfast: Sausage, Bacon, Omelette with Vegetables & Hot Sauce (no cheese)  
Snack: Blueberrys
Lunch: Spinach Salad with Craisins, Almonds, Chicken, honey mustard vinaigrette
Supper: Yellow Curry and Beef Stirfry
Bok Choy Salad by Eat Smart

Breakfast: Bowl of raw baby carrots, tea
Snack: Cherries
Lunch: Yellow Curry and Beef Stirfry
Supper: Salad with Avacado, Salsa, Guacamole and Balsamic Dressing

Breakfast: Tea on Ice
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bok Choy Salad with Peanuts and Ginger Asian Dressing
Supper: Burrito

Breakfast: YouthBerry Tea
Snack: Strawberrys 
Lunch: Summer Salad with dried pineapple, Almonds and Ginger Asian Dressing
Supper: CHEAT MEAL (Haven't decided yet) 

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 22)
Total Loss: -13.5lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -36.5lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -3 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -8inches

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Work Retreat and Interview

Hello Cheeseburger loving Friends,

I haven't been to the gym in two whole days and it feels so weird! Funny how your habits change so quickly. I was on a work retreat, we did go for a huge hike on Monday so I did get some exercise! I'll have to add something to my week end. 

I honestly am so proud of myself, there were soo soo many food temptations! But I did it! I made it through all of the food temptations, I had salmon, cauliflower, coleslaw, salad, eggs and fruit! Even though there was french fries, chips, popcorn, alcohol! I weighed myself this morning (I know, I know) But I wanted to see if I had a gain? NO GAIN!!!!! (Oh My LANTA I did it!) Now back to my "new" normal.  I forgot to mention in my quick Monday post, I've lost another inch off my Bust!! YIPPIE!!! (that's the only thing I can see in the pictures - my chest is much higher!) 

I wanted to take a second and just tell everyone that the focus of this journey is not weight! I would like to be just be a healthy size! (my size goal is a size 8) what ever that weight is, is fine by me! I put weight goals in because it's easier to measure. But I really and truly just want to be a healthier size! 

A shout out to my friend Jen, I did a little interview with her! (She was so gracious to share her Journey to Health with me!) 

How much have you lost? Lost a total of 40lbs!
When did you start your health journey? About a year ago.
Motivation to why you started? Was sick of feeling sick, and tired of feeling tired. Wanted to be around for Lilah (her beautiful daughter) 
What is your start, current and goal Size? Start size: 18 Current Size: 10 Goal Size: 8

What has changed the most in your life? My Routine (Eating breakfast, no Drive thru's etc.) and feeling a lot less sluggish. I have more energy.
Goal lbs lost? My goal is to lose 50-60lbs.
Is there a finish line date? No finish line date because I don't want to feel like i've failed if not reached. Just so long as it maintained/improved on a constant and my weight isn't creeping back up.

Jen's Before Picture 
(She said she didn't have many because she used to avoid having her picture taken!) 

Jen's Beautiful After (or current photo)

If anyone else would like to be interviewed for my Blog, I would love to share your journey too! 

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 22)
Total Loss: -13.5lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -36.5lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -3 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -8inches

Monday, June 22, 2015


Hello Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Friends,

Here is first week and this weeks photos! Wish I was wearing a better top. Next time! I've lost 1.5lbs for a total loss of 13.5lbs! The happiest human!

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 22)
Total Loss: -13.5lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -36.5lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -3 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -8inches

Friday, June 19, 2015

Leopard Dress

Haven't worn this dress in a YEAR! It's a little tight, but fits! I can't believe I'm wearing this today! It used to be my favorite dress! I'm appreciative of this moment but I'm dying for the moment it's too big! (I'll post me in it then too!) I was a tight size 16 before I started this Journey and am now officially a size 14. I've gone down one size in 3 weeks! My ultimate goal is to be a size 6/8! I haven't seen size 6/8, since my first year of University! (But I can get there!) (Thanks for the picture Megan!) 

Today's my last post this week! Wish me luck for Monday! (my guess is 2lbs) I'll post my weight loss and pictures! You know what's ironic, I started this Journey loving Cheeseburgers & hating to say goodbye to them, but I haven't had one since I started. (no craving for them what's so ever! WEIRD) 

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -2.4lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 15)
Total Loss: -12lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -38lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -7inches

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Celebrities & Squats

Hello Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers Lovers,

Can I just say I feel like my arms are going to fall off my body and my abs were ripped in two!! Two arm days this week! I think that was a little too much, but i'm starting to get my first muscle and surprisingly it's in my arms!!!

My squat Challenge is doing well! I'm now up to 70 squats a day on top of my regular work outs!
I want a bum like this: (who doesn't)

My office is a really fun place to work, the other day, we were choosing what celebrity bodies we wanted! (but that were actually attainable) I want to be either Christina Hendricks or Kim Kardashian! (I still want to be curvy - just fit and fabulous!) So I looked them up online Kim is 5'2 and a 130lbs, Christina is 5'7 and a 150lbs! 

Here are my girls:

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -2.4lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 15)
Total Loss: -12lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -38lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -7inches

Wednesday, June 17, 2015



It's the first week I've been hungry, like belly growling hungry. It's sad to say that I honestly haven't felt my stomach growl for years! I think that's a good sign though (it's telling me now when I need food, instead of me just shoving food down my belly!) 

A lot of people were asking me about my diet.
Here it is: 

I'm eating 1200-1500 calories a day (even the days I do a cardio work out) Low Carb, Low Dairy, very little red meat, no white potatoes. (Just to clarify: NOT No Carb, No Dairy- because that is not maintainable for me in the long run & I'm in this for the long haul) I have one cheat meal a week where i'm allowed to eat what ever I want! (This week it's going to be poutine!) I joked to my friend last night that I was a raw vegan that eats lots of chicken! I eat a ton of vegetables, a ton of chicken and a little bit of fruit. I don't eat past 7pm, and I drink more water then I ever have in my life. I pee about every hour!! (no joke) 

Just a reminder of my incentives, and what I've completed so far! As of last Monday (June 15 I had lost 12lbs!) My secret goal is to lose 15lbs by the end of June! So hopefully I can cross off new lulu lemon pants soon. 

Here is my incentive list: 
5lbs: New Sneakers
10lbs: Fun Work out top 
15lbs:  LuLu Lemon Pants
20lbs: Hair done, somewhere expensive (Color and everything - maybe bowtique? I'll take suggestions) 
25lbs: Food Processor
30lbs: Jeans
35lbs: All new Bras/Underwear
40lbs: Tattoo
45lbs: Bathing Suit
50lbs: Trip to Mexico

Food for thought, did you know 1000 jumping jacks burns 3500 calories, which equals 1lbs! Will be testing this theory next week!

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -2.4lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 15)
Total Loss: -12lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -38lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -7inches

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I have my first muscle!

Dear Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Friends,

"I have my first muscle!"  My arm muscles are starting to be a little defined! I can't believe it 3 weeks into this Journey and I'm now starting so see some changes! Loving everything about this. Starting to even feel healthier.

Thank you Beth, Jessie & Rachel for joining me at Zumba Monday night! How much fun is it!!! I'm totally in love with Zumba and now Spin. I was just looking into finding another Dartmouth evening Zumba class as my favorite Zumba class on Monday nights only has one more class and then it's done for the summer. If anyone knows of an amazing Zumba classes in Dartmouth that run all summer, please let me know!

It's Short & Sweet today!

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -2.4lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 15)
Total Loss: -12lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -38lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -7inches

Monday, June 15, 2015

It's Monday... It's Monday!

Hello Cheeseburger Lovers,

I hope you had a wonderful week end! I'm proud to say, I took my daughter swimming this week end. YES, in a bathing suit! (I was still a nervous wreck - But I did it!) She was so excited, that mommy was taking her swimming (normally daddy does!) Now imagine, I would have missed out on her last swimming class of her first badge!! I was so happy!  I have a long journey ahead of me, but even loosing this little bit of weight helped me to do something I wouldn't have done before!

I'm happy to announce my loss for this week was -2.4lbs! For a grande total loss of, -12lbs in three weeks! Not too shabby! My inches are also doing well, I've loss another inch off my waist and an inch off my hips!

A big shout out to Mr. Reg Duffy, for running those extra laps at Friday's workout! You motivated me to get through it and I did!! Even though I couldn't move on Saturday haha! I'll see you this Friday - Not intimated, motivated! Friday was so insane! Not only did we run the track but we carried crazy heavy weights, squats, push ups and army crawled under benches! It was NUTS!! (the most sore I have been after a work out so far) My muscles were just shaking! (I kind of loved it!)

I made the most delicious Quinoa Salad on the week end, (I know your thinking that's an oxy moron having quinoa and delicious in the same sentence - three weeks ago I would have agreed with you!)

Here's the recipe:

1 cup dry quinoa
2 cups chicken broth
1 can black beans
1 can corn
1/2 orange bell pepper
a few chopped grape tomato
1/2 cup of red onion
1 cup fresh cilantro
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
juice of 1 large lime
garlic powder (to taste)
chili powder (to taste)

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -2.4lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 15)
Total Loss: -12lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -38lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -7inches

Friday, June 12, 2015

Last Night, Today, Tomorrow BUT can't wait for Monday

Today is a day for Today,

My first BBQ of the Summer was last night, and I did really well. I had Salad!!!! (and didn't feel like I needed the Burgers or the Sausage or anything else!) Loving Life! Seriously... I feel like a totally different person. 

It's weird, even though I can feel myself getting smaller - I'm having a "I feel fat day" I think no matter what size you are, everyone has these days. Maybe it's because I ate my cheat meal yesterday and I still have a little bit of guilt. It's weird that I feel bad about my cheat meal when three weeks ago, I ate every meal like my cheat meal! It's so amazing how your mind can change along with your body!! I want the healthy meals, the salad, chicken, quinoa, and vegetables! 

I'm trying a new class today called, More Core. It's an abdominal circuit - I'm really nervous, people at the gym even say it's really hard!! Terrified!!!  Doing it!!

Can't wait to post on Monday! The anticipation is killing me! I'll include pictures too! Thank you again everyone for following me on this terrifying journey. I'll see you on Monday.

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -3.6lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 8)
Total Loss: -9.6lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only 40.4lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2inches
Waist: -1inch
Hips: -2inches 
Total Inches Loss: -5inches

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Jumping & Spinning

Hello Fellow Cheeseburger Lovers,

It's a coworkers birthday lunch! She loves burgers! (As do I) So we are taking her to Krave Burger (So Delicious!) But I did well my friends, I had a Sweet Potato and Lentil Veggie Burger (No bun) and French Fries. But I stayed within my calorie intake today! And It will be my cheat meal for the week! Challenge Accepted, Attempted and Completed! I laugh in your face and am doing a happy dance!

Because of Yesterday's workout - I've learned two things.
1. Jumping is hard work - people make it look so easy
2. Jumping makes me pee (having a baby will do that to you)

We did an insane work out yesterday where you jump up on a box, jump over the box, Jump over the box with your hands on the box, jump and touch the wall and repeat 10 reps 5 times! Not to mention we did cardio first on the treadmill on a 12 incline!!

I kept telling my work out partner "bless your heart" because if I didn't say that, I probably would have punched her in the throat hahaha (not really) It was the most intense work out I've had so far! (There are a lot of days she can't come in July - I'm going to do this work out while she's away and then blow her away with it when she comes back -Be READY for that Carrigan!)

Today was also my first day doing Spin! I never was a biker, (I actually can't ride a regular bike!) but I have to find something for August because my Lunch time Zumba Class doesn't run in August. BOOOOOO! I actually super enjoyed the spin class (to my own surprise). Sending out some love to my coworkers for coming to Spin with me today, you're the best. Our office is going to be the best looking, healthiest department on campus. (Seriously!)

I honestly, don't know if I can wait till Monday to weigh myself! (I'm going to I promise!) My guess is -3lbs! Inches i'm not sure... I think I've lost some off my waist! I really wish I had done my legs and arms too. Kicking Butt and Taking Names!

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -3.6lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 8)
Total Loss: -9.6lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only 40.4lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2inches
Waist: -1inch
Hips: -2inches 
Total Inches Loss: -5inches

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Pants & Eggplants!

Hello Cheeseburger Dancers, 

I'm so excited today, I'm wearing a pair of pants that haven't fit into for the last 8 months!!! They didn't fit 3 weeks ago! 

Here they are: 

Also, I thought I would share what i'm eating tonight - because i'm that excited. It's Eggplant baked first with olive oil and a little bit of spices. Then goats cheese, mushrooms, spinach and pizza sauce. 

First time i'll try these! I'll let you know how it goes! 

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -3.6lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 8)
Total Loss: -9.6lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only 44.4lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2inches
Waist: -1inch
Hips: -2inches 
Total Inches Loss: -5inches

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Bras and Cheeseburgers

Dear Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Friends,

Today is a good day! I've gone down a bra size!!! OMG only 15 days into my Health Journey and seeing results. I wont reveal the sizes as I am a lady. haha! BUT down a whole size!!! Band and Cup! That may be TMI for some people so I apologize haha!

I've spoke to a lot of people about this Journey. And am really taking all of your suggestions seriously.  I have decided to mix up my workout routine so my body doesn't get "used to" the routine I have been doing. I'm going to add a spin class to Thursday work outs and then a few weeks from now my goal is to start running. (maybe a slow jog at first!)

Next week's Workout Routine: 
Mon: Lunch Weights(Legs/Abs), Evening Zumba
Tues: Lunch Zumba
Wed: Lunch Weights(Arms/Abs) *Cheat Meal night*
Thur: Lunch Spin Class (New to the routine), Evening Zumba
Fri: Core Class(New to the routine)
Sat: Off
Sun: Off

I've also taken into consideration, of when i'm eating my cheat meal. I was eating it Friday or Saturday nights, which logically makes sense (the week end right!) Well I eat it when i'm not doing anything physical. So, i'm going to change it to Wednesday nights! That way it's right in the middle of my workout week, and i'll probably burn it off better!

My evening Zumba class ends in two more weeks. So i'm looking for another evening Zumba class in Dartmouth. If anyone knows of any great ones, please message me on facebook! I can't go without my Zumba!

Shout out to my very sweet and very pregnant friend Sue who joined me at Zumba on Monday! Thank you so much for coming! And thank you so much for not having the baby during Zumba! You're nuts and I love it!!!

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -3.6lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 8)
Total Loss: -9.6lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only 44.4lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -2inches
Waist: -1inch
Hips: -2inches 
Total Inches Loss: -5inches

Monday, June 8, 2015

Never thought Monday would be my HAPPY day!

Hello Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Readers (I know your all dying to know),

It's the day I've been waiting all week for! (Never thought I would say that about a Monday)

OMG, I was so freaking close! I was yelling at the scale hahaha. I know -3.6lbs is still a wonderful thing... to lose that in a week! I'm proud of what I've done so far. -9.6lbs total loss! I'm HAPPY! 

I made a bet with my friend Ryan (Who is a personal trainer at Slim Gyms) That I would loss 4lbs by Monday his guess was -3.4lbs He was closer, so I owe him a work out! We'll Chat BUDDY! 

I thought I would add measurements to my blog, as I'm finding those are changing more drastically than my weight! In the side picture I really notice my chin!!! 

Here they are:

May 19: 45.39.49
June 4: 43.39.48
June 8: 43.38.47

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers,

Weeks Total Loss: -3.6lbs 
Total Loss: -9.6 lbs 
Goal: -50lbs (March 5, 2016)
*Only 40.4lbs to GO*
(Next weigh in Monday June 15)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday Post

Hello Beautiful Cheeseburger Lovers,

Today is my cheat day meal! It sounds so stupid but I'm really worried about it. Not sure what to eat and I don't want to mess with what I did last week. I'm sure I could go for a Cheeseburger!

My work out this past week looked like this: 
Monday: Legs/Abs at Lunch - Zumba in the Evening
Tuesday: Zumba
Wednesday: Body Sculpt Class (which was Arms, Shoulders and Abs)
Thursday: Zumba
Friday: Arms/Abs
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

Next weeks work out:
Monday: Legs/Abs at Lunch - Zumba in the Evening
Tuesday: Zumba
Wednesday: Body Sculpt Class
Thursday: Zumba at Lunch - Zumba in the Evening
Friday: Arms/Abs
Saturday: Off
Sunday: Off

I'm vibrating for my weigh in on Monday! I can't wait to see what it says. I tried on a pair of pants this morning which didn't fit two weeks ago, and they almost fit! I'm so happy!!!

I'll post pictures with my weigh in on Monday! Talk to you then.

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

Total Loss: -6lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 1)
GOAL: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
(Next weigh in Monday June 8)

ps: If you want to join me for Monday ZUMBA from 6-7pm (6$) at the Findlay Community Centre or Thursday ZUMBA from 7:45-8:45pm (10$) at Hello Body (you have to email them on Wednesday to let them know your coming.)  I would love the support, we can sweat it out together! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thank you's & New Sneakers

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

My heart is exploding with gratefulness and happiness from all of the support you keep sending my way! Thank you for the encouragement, advice and love. It is more then helpful - it makes me want to do everything I possibly can to complete this Mission, Goal and LIFE! 

I wanted to shout out to a few friends for making this journey easier. 
Stefanie, sent me a message and had me in tears. Thank you for your generosity. 
Kate, you are an inspiration to me. I will be following your Journey as well! 
Tina, a zumba instructor I just met - you are what i'm aspiring to be and do! 
Carrigan, my work out buddy. I love that you kick my butt! 
Sarah & Candace for coming on Monday nights so I don't have to look foolish by myself! 
Emily, For inviting me to class & opening my world to Zumba

Short & Sweet, but THANK YOU. 

Dancing my Buns off  4 Cheeseburgers, 

Total Loss: -6lbs (last weigh in  Monday June 1)
Goal: -50lbs (by March 5, 2016) 
(Next weigh in Monday June 8) 

ps: Here are my new sneakers! (My five pound incentive present) 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Numbness & Squat Challenge

Hello Friends,

I wanted to let you know about some health happenings, that I already feel changing! (So amazing!)

I used to wake up every morning with numb feet, so terrible that I could barley walk like a "normal" human. It's been 9 days into this Health Mission and the morning numbness is almost completely gone. I can't imagine how i'm going to feel after 25, 50, 100 days into this Health Journey.

I've also noticed my skin tightening and brightening! Which is probably from all the water and legumes i'm consuming! But i'm visibly noticing a difference.

I just joined a June squat challenge on top of my work outs. So every evening at home while I do the dishes, or watch tv - I do Squats. (Here is the Challenge-Join me if you want too!)

June 1 - 30 Squats           June 10 - 50 Squats             June 19 - 70 Squats         June 28 - 90 Squats    
June 2 - 30 Squats           June 11 - 50 Squats             June 20 - 70 Squats         June 29 - 100 Squats
June 3 - 30 Squats           June 12 - 50 Squats             June 21 - 80 Squats         June 30 - 100 Squats
June 4 - 30 Squats           June 13 - 60 Squats             June 22 - 80 Squats         June 31 - 100 Squats
June 5 - 40 Squats           June 14 - 60 Squats             June 23 - 80 Squats
June 6 - 40 Squats           June 15 - 60 Squats             June 24 - 80 Squats
June 7 - 40 Squats           June 16 - 60 Squats             June 25 - 90 Squats
June 8 - 40 Squats           June 17 - 70 Squats             June 26 - 90 Squats
June 9 - 50 Squats           June 18 - 70 Squats             June 27 - 90 Squats

You don't have to do them all at once, you just need to do that many during the day! 

Thank you for reading my Blog and Coming along with me in this crazy Journey!

Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers,

Total Loss -6lbs (next weigh in Monday June 8)
Goal -50lbs (by March 5, 2016) any more is just a bonus!

ps: I've earned my Sneakers on my incentives list! (getting them this week end - i'll put up a picture!) I'll let you know Monday if I get my fitbit!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Zumba and Good Eats

Today is Today,

I have to thank my friend Sarah, for coming to ZUMBA with me Monday night! It was crazy hard and amazing at the same time! (Emily you are a great ZUMBA instructor!) So motivated to do more!! My whole body hurts but I love it! It was a true cardio dance workout. My whole being was sweaty, not just sweaty but gross haha! It was the best class I've taken so far in this Health Journey! THANK YOU Emily. (I wish it went all summer)

I'm on my own at the gym for the next two days! I'm so scared!!! I'm not sure if I can do it! BUT I'm going to try! Zumba at lunch today!

I thought I would post what i'm eating... Maybe you fitness and health nuts can help me with my diet! (I'm taking all suggestions)

So far this week:

Mondays Menu: 
Smoothie (raspberry, banana, orange)
Youth Berry Tea

Bean dip / Tostitos

1 cup of rice
Beef strips
Mixed Vegetables
Yellow Curry

1 cup of rice
Chicken Breast

Tuesdays Menu:
Youth Berry Tea

Toss Salad with Craisins, Almonds & Chicken
Balsamic Vinegar

1 small bowl of popcorn

Large Toss Salad with Japelenos, Cheese, Guacamole & Chicken
Southwest salad dressing

So far this Health Journey has been terrifying and amazing. Some smart lady told me to not change my habits but change what goes in my mouth. For example, I used to go to Starbucks every morning and get a chai latte (250 calories per drink) Now I go every morning and get a Youth Berry tea with nothing in it. (0 calories per drink) This way I'm not changing the habit of going, just changing what's going in my mouth! So far this concept has helped me tremendously!

Thank you my Dancing 4 Cheeseburgers Followers,

Total Loss: -6lbs (last weigh in Monday June 1)
GOAL: 50lbs (March 5, 2016)
*only 44lbs to go*