Monday, June 1, 2015

Doing it doing it doing it well!

Hello Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Readers,

I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but i'm doing an incentive program for myself. Every 5lbs I lose I get to buy myself something! I feel this will be extra motivation for myself. I put things on the list that I really want. (I'm not a big Shopper believe it or not - although I maybe when I lose this weight! It may be more fun to shop!)

Here is my incentive list: 
5lbs: New Sneakers (Mine are from 2008 - that should tell you how much exercise I was doing)
10lbs: Fun Work out top
15lbs:  LuLu Lemon Pants
20lbs: Hair done, somewhere expensive (Color and everything - maybe bowtique? I'll take suggestions) 
25lbs: Food Processor
30lbs: Jeans (don't currently own a pair)
35lbs: All new Bras/Underwear
40lbs: Tattoo
45lbs: Bathing Suit
50lbs: Trip to Mexico

Today is my double day! Weights at Lunch and Zumba tonight! Wish me luck, I know tomorrow i'll be hurting! (I'm starting to enjoy the feeling when you can't lift your arms or cant walk up stairs haha)

I know I said i'd only post once a week, but i'm too darn excited! My total weight loss for last week was SIX POUNDS! I ate extremely healthy (low carbs, very little cheese/dairy, TONS of protein and vegetables!) I worked out Tuesday-Friday at least 40 minutes each day!

Loving life, and doing it well!

Total Weight loss: -6lbs 
Goal: 50+lbs *March 5, 2016

ps: Doing Zumba tonight at the Findlay Community Centre it's from 6-7pm and the drop in fee is 6$ COME join me if your free tonight, I would love all the support! 

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