Thursday, June 25, 2015

Work outs & Meals

Hello Cheeseburger Lovers,

I'm sad to say I pulled a small muscle in my lower abdominal so I have to be very careful for the next few days. In saying that my Kettle Bell Work out with Carrigan yesterday was amazing. (Jared, I kicked your butt.) Didn't know I'd like Kettle Bell I did the whole work out in 45 mins. 11 exercises 10 reps and 4 sets of each!! I even used the 15lbs kettle bell. PUMPED - Getting Jacked! 

My Work outs this week looked like this:
Monday: Hike (An hour and a half)  
Tuesday: OFF
Wednesday: Kettle Bell/Dance Class
Thursday: Spin
Friday: More Core Circut
Saturday: Run (4km)
Sunday: OFF 

I'm dying no zumba this week! My lovely Monday night classes are over! If you know of an amazing drop in zumba classes in Dartmouth, I would love to add it to my rotation. 

My Meals this week looked like this: 
Breakfast: tea, apple 
Snack: Plum 
Lunch: Chicken wrap from Subway (no cheese)
Supper: Salmon, Cauliflower, Coleslaw 

Breakfast: Sausage, Bacon, Omelette with Vegetables & Hot Sauce (no cheese)  
Snack: Blueberrys
Lunch: Spinach Salad with Craisins, Almonds, Chicken, honey mustard vinaigrette
Supper: Yellow Curry and Beef Stirfry
Bok Choy Salad by Eat Smart

Breakfast: Bowl of raw baby carrots, tea
Snack: Cherries
Lunch: Yellow Curry and Beef Stirfry
Supper: Salad with Avacado, Salsa, Guacamole and Balsamic Dressing

Breakfast: Tea on Ice
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bok Choy Salad with Peanuts and Ginger Asian Dressing
Supper: Burrito

Breakfast: YouthBerry Tea
Snack: Strawberrys 
Lunch: Summer Salad with dried pineapple, Almonds and Ginger Asian Dressing
Supper: CHEAT MEAL (Haven't decided yet) 

Dancing my buns off 4 Cheeseburgers, 

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -1.5lbs (Last weigh in Monday June 22)
Total Loss: -13.5lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -36.5lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -3 inches
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -3 inches 
Total Inches Loss: -8inches

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