Monday, April 11, 2016


Hello Dancing friends, 

I'm sorry I haven't written in a few months! I was in a small car accident and hurt my neck and shoulder. I couldn't work out and lost some of my drive for health and wellness. Because I couldn't work out I found myself picking at foods I normally would never even look at. So Chips, Chocolate and Fast food later, I have totally fell off the Wagon! I was hanging on, but I officially have fallen all the way off! I am happy to say in this jog to get back on the wagon, I have only gained 10lbs! (I shouldn't say only) I'VE GAINED 10LBS!!! That's Awful. 

Please will you join me again this summer, to get back on the wagon, to not only find a seat in the wagon but to be in the DRIVERS SEAT! 

I'm still managing the pain from my accident and am going to start off slow. But SLOW and STEADY always wins the race! I almost feel like i'm starting over. I know that's not true, I've still lost 50 lbs! And i'm still super proud of what I have accomplished. I'm just anxious to now re-start the Journey! 

I know everyone has their moments where they slip. I have two very motivating friends who basically said to me, WELL JUST GET BACK ON IT! 

Here is my intensive plan for the summer! 

My Eating Plan:

Now - May 1: Partial Paleo (Still eating rice & wraps) with 1 Cheat Meal a week, staying 1200-1500 calories a day for the next three weeks. 

May 1- May 7: Raw till 4PM (No Calorie Counting) Healthy Supper 

May 7-June 6: 100% Paleo  1 Cheat Meal for the Month (1500-1700 Calorie Intake)

June 7- July 1: Raw till 4PM (No Calorie Counting)  Paleo Supper 

July 2 & July 3:  Cheat days

July 4 - July 31: Strict Paleo (Nothing White) (1500-1700 Calorie Intake) 

Aug 1 - Aug 9: Raw till 4PM (No Calorie Counting) Paleo Supper

Aug 10 - Aug 14: Vacation - Healthy Choices (1200-1500 Calorie Intake) 

Aug 15 - Aug 26: Raw till 4PM (No Calorie Counting) Paleo Supper

Fasting Aug 27 & Aug 28: Liquid Diet 

Exercise Plan: (I'll keep updating this) 

April 11- April 30: 5 cardio work outs (Slow and Steady Start - since the accident) 
I'm going to do treadmill, bike and elliptical. 

Literally Dancing my Buns Off, 

Weight Loss: 
Last weigh in: - 0lbs (First weigh in:  Friday April 15) 
Total Loss: -50 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -80 lbs (By August 30, 2016)
*Only -30 lbs to go

45-39-49 (start)
43-36-44 (now)
38-28-37 (goal) 

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