Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day Two of this Terrifying Journey

Day 2: (Don't worry I'm not going to write every day - Just when I feel like there is something to write about or an update on progress) 

Today is my first day doing weights! Never have I ever done weights in my life! I have this overwhelming fear of weights! (it's weird - I feel like i'm going to look like an idiot) BUT, nothing is stopping me on this terrifying journey to Health. Bring on the weights-I need to get rid of these "Oprah arms" (As my friend said yesterday)  

I've only been on the Dancing for Cheeseburgers train for two days, but have already noticed my feet weren't swollen when I woke up this morning! I think it's because I didn't eat any gluten yesterday! And I drank so much water I thought I was going to pee every minute! I'm going to try that again today and see how I feel in the morning. (WOW - didn't know something so simple could change how you feel pretty much instantly) 

I've had so much support thrown my way already, i'm thankful to all of you who reached out to help, guide and tell me their stories and journeys! I'm honestly, in it to win it! And please keep cheering me on, it's not only motivation it's accountability!

I'll let you know how the weights go...
ps. Not sore from ZUMBA (good or bad?) I was kind of wishing to be sore.

Dancing for Cheeseburgers.
GOAL: 50+lbs *Goal date: March 5, 2016

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