Friday, July 17, 2015


Dancing 4 Cheeseburger Readers,

Cheat meal tonight! Penelope and I are going to share  Pad Thai. I've been craving thai all week. I can't even control myself i'm so excited. THAI THAI THAI! And BONUS I thought it would be way more calories then it is. (It's 770 calories - not bad for a cheat meal) GET in my Belly!

I have noticed, my cravings for certain things are no longer there. I have no desire to drink pop, milk, or eat bread and my appetite for sweets is completely gone! The only things I find I still crave sometimes is pasta and salty things. (that's why I haven't been able to give up popcorn - I just buy Chicka Boom Pop now instead) 

I don't feel like I have lost as much weight this week. (last week I felt it in my bones - I knew I had lost 2 pounds. this week I don't have that feeling) We will find out Monday, I'll post pictures! See you then, and thanks for reading!

ps: keep the comments, love, advice, questions coming. It makes me feel like we are in it together! Please follow me on my new Instagram account: dancing_4_cheeseburgers

Literally Dancing My Buns off 4 Cheeseburgers,

Weight Loss: 
Weeks Loss: -2.2 lbs (Last weigh in Monday July 13)
Total Loss: -21.5 lbs (Since May 28) 
Goal: -50 lbs (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -28.5lbs to go*

Inches Loss: 
Bust: -5 inches
Waist: -3.5 inches
Hips: -6 inches 

Total Inches Loss: -14.5 inches
Goal: -27 inches (By March 5, 2016)
*Only -12.5 inches to go*

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